Sunday, June 26, 2022
Overbite Palm 0.2
Saturday, June 11, 2022
prior-art-dept.: ProleText, encoding HTML before Markdown (and a modern reimplementation)
Markdown circa 2004 has displaced most of the others today, but it explicitly never claimed to be the first such human-readable format; indeed, AsciiDoc predates it by about two years, reStructuredText a year before that and MakeDoc about a year before that. For that matter, some of the concepts popularized in Markdown might not have existed at all were it not for earlier ancestors like 2002's Textile.
But a forgotten rich text language predates most of these, with the interesting property in that much of the markup is encoded using trailing whitespace, almost a fusion of in-band and out-of-band styling systems. If the whitespace is munged, it's largely just a text document (like those particular Mac files if you pass along only the data fork); but if it passes through intact, an intelligent converter can use attributes encoded in the whitespace to style it into HTML. That system is ProleText.
See more of my general vintage computing projects,
mostly microcomputers, 6502, PalmOS, 68K/Power Mac
and Unix workstations, but that's not all. Be kind, REWIND and PLAY.
Old VCR is advertisement- and donation-funded, and what I get
goes to maintaining the hardware here at Floodgap.
I don't drink coffee, but the Mr Pibb doesn't buy itself. :-)
Thanks for reading. -- Cameron Kaiser