Monday, August 30, 2021

More Tomy Tutor homebrew

Even the more obscure machines have their homebrews, and for the Tomy Tutor, I'm not just talking about third-pary tapes (though those are a thing too). In addition to 2018's Team Europe bounty (two multicarts and a reproduced "Game Adaptor" for those cartridges requiring additional addressing lines), a couple gamepads wired for the Tomy Tutor turned up on eBay. They are available in singles and doubles to replace either the Joy Stick or the Joy Controllers. Since the Tutor uses a unique pinout, these must indeed be made specifically for it; they all work fine with the Pyūta as well. (Not affiliated, just satisfied.)


  1. This is awesome. We had one when I was a kid and they were new. My mom was the Jungler queen. We used to just watch her play, she was so good.

  2. That's awesome. I am actually the maker of these RETROPADS. Can I have permission to use your photo on my listings? Much appreciate the mention. These are made with a multi-logic board of my own design. Buy adding different components to the board and different wiring and jumper settings the PCB inside can be configured to multiple computers in multiple different configurations. The DUAL Tomy RETROPADs are expensive because they take ages to wire up and configure and test and need multiple component configuration to prevent ghosting between the Player 1 and 2 pads and take ages to test to prevent any cross-talk. However, the single pad is very reasonably priced as it requires none of this. Without the multi-logic boards it wouldn't be economically viable to produce gamepads for this machine.

    1. Sure. Just include a link back to

    2. Hi: I contacted you about your usage on your current auction listing. Please advise, either here or through eBay. Thanks.


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